Credit Card Processing with a Virtual Terminal

How many times have you had a customer that wanted to purchase your product or service but you were unable to process the transaction.  These situations usually occur when the credit card holder is not present and you potentially lose the sale.  That doesn’t have to happen any longer.

Accept Checks Online with Automated Clearing House

Decades ago, they said that we would become a paperless society.  And while there are trillions of gigabytes that hold a tremendous amount of data, there are so many paper documents that haven’t made the leap.  Thankfully, checks have now gone through the transition from a paper environment to an electronic process that you as a merchant, can take advantage of to improve your bottom line and lessen the turnaround time from a conventional deposit.

Card Companies Show Profits, as Credit Use Climbs

There are tea leaves in nearly every flavor, for someone attempting to read what direction the economy’s headed in. But for at least two of the biggest credit card companies, the news seems to be that things are picking up, or at least their customers — the ones using credit cards — are convinced it’s okay to start saying “Charge it,” again.

Easy Payment Options Equals Better Bottom Line with an Internet Merchant Account

Your business plan is complete, your product ready to ship and your website ready to go live.  Your marketing is set and the whole world knows that you are open for business.  One of the most important aspects at this stage is cash flow.  Lots of it, hopefully.  There are many options with which to receive payment but how do you get it fast and easy?

Plastic Sleeves and Radio Chips: Simple Protections for RFID Cards

As the news keeps making clear, changes are coming to what exactly it means when a customer says “charge it!” There are smart wallets, phones-as-credit cards, and more.

AOL Business Article: Accepting Plastic “Outweighs the Cons”

We were struck by a long and thoughtful article recently posted on AOL Business, with the headline “Can You Afford to Run a Cash-Only Business?” The first section dealt with some of the admitted advantages from a “cash on the barrelhead” approach — every penny that comes in stays with the business, and you are also absolved from any worries about security breaches, hacks, banks raising fees, etc.

It Was Originally Going to Be the Second of July!

As we head toward our big midsummer celebration, remember that if John Adams had been right, you’d be celebrating two days earlier!
On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress legally separated itself from Great Britain. President-to-be John Adams wrote to his wife that the “second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America.