Fed Report: Mobile Payments, Commerce on the Upswing. But…

The Federal Reserve has issued the 2015 edition of its Consumers and Mobile Finances report. Among the findings, as reported by “Digital Transactions,” are that “the number of mobile-payments users in the United States is growing steadily, but most mobile-phone owners still find other payment methods more convenient.”

Retail Merchant Account FAQs

Designed for stores and retail businesses of all sizes, a retail merchant account  is a system that allows you to accept credit or debit cards for sales of products and services. This type of account processes transactions when the card holder is present with the card being used.

Shocker: Nearly 80% of Businesses Fail Interim PCI Compliance

Recently, Verizon issued a report on Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards — PCI DSS for short. The results were pretty bracing. As Computer Weekly summarizes “nearly 80% of businesses fail their interim PCI compliance assessment, leaving them vulnerable to cyber attacks, according to Verizon’s 2015 PCI Compliance Report “

Embrace Technology with Mobile Payment Processing

If you are ready to build your business, grow your customer base, and reach new levels of success, it is essential to keep your eyes on innovation. The world is changing incredibly quickly and if you don’t do what you can to keep up, you are going to get left behind. Though you may maintain the core of your business, your product line and branding, your customer base shrink, if you fall behind with technology.

Breaches Old and New: Target Settles, More Blue Cross Leaks; New Security Measures

Data breaches, their discontents and fallout, have filled the news this week. You’ll remember, of course, when the Target customer data breach in 2013 finally catapulted questions about customer security in the digital age onto the front page. Now comes word that Target has, at last, reached a settlement in that case. As tech website Gizmodo reports, “following lengthy discussions with the lawyers of those affected by the hack, the retailer has agreed to pay up a $10 million settlement.”

Tips for Selecting the Ideal Merchant Account Company

Making the most of your website means you need to choose a website merchant account.  This account allows you to accept payments for the goods and services your business offers, allowing you to expand your customer base and simplify the process of providing your offerings to a wider audience. As you prepare to either start your business or expand it to include internet sales and payment processing, it is important to compare several merchant account companies to find the one that is right for you.

What You Need to Know About Merchant Cash Advances

Owning a small business can be an incredible challenge, particularly when it comes to managing the financial aspects of your business and your aspirations for growth. Unfortunately, gaining financing for a new small business is often very difficult. If you haven’t owned your business for at least 2 years and don’t have collateral to put up, you are unlikely to convince a bank to extend a traditional business loan. A small business working capital advance offers you the opportunity to borrow additional operating funds against your future receipts without many of the strict requirements of traditional loan products.

The October Country: EMV Draws Near; Are You Ready?

The October Country: EMV Draws Near; Are You Ready? While time does continue to zip along, we’re not always busy…

Make Payments Easy with Secure Automated Transactions

Make Payments Easy with Secure Automated Transactions Introduction Today consumers are living increasingly digital and mobile lives and are more…