The Week in Breaches: Safety Quiz, Expert Advice, Company Liability

The Week in Breaches: Safety Quiz, Expert Advice, Company Liability Introduction Breaches and hacks have once again filled the “electronic…

The Back to School Rush—Are Your Payment Processes Ready For the Challenge?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Well, for parents it is. While kids are bemoaning the inevitable return to homework and early bedtimes, parents are remembering what it’s like to not be 24/7 entertainment directors. For retailers, this period is also a huge sales boost across most industries. While school supplies, electronics, sports gear, and apparel top most school sales, we also have plenty of college-bound students who need household wares, cars, and gift cards.

Custom Service 101—How to Deal With Declined Cards Without Upsetting Your Customers

Custom Service 101—How to Deal With Declined Cards Without Upsetting Your Customers Introduction With the summer heat bearing down on…

While Phone Credit Card Processing Apps May Hurt, Rather Than Help Your New Business

While Phone Credit Card Processing Apps May Hurt, Rather Than Help Your New Business Phone Credit Card Processing Apps: Introduction…

The CFPB Wants You! (To Have Faster Payments, And More Protection)

Earlier this month, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (or CFPB) issued its 9 “Guiding Principles” for faster payments, and payment protection. As they bureau states, they “want to ensure any new payment systems are secure, transparent, accessible, and affordable to consumers. The systems should also have robust protections when it comes to fraud and error resolution.”

Christmas in Summer? Why Unconventionally Smart Planning and Marketing Can Help Your Business Grow

Christmas in Summer? Why Unconventionally Smart Planning and Marketing Can Help Your Business Grow Introduction Christmas in July? These words…

Trendlines and Survey Markers: Consumers Prefer Charge Cards, But Still Learning About Them

A pair of mid-summer surveys come our way, showing that Americans really like using the plastic in their wallets, but are still learning all the ins-and-outs of what it means to have both credit, and a credit score.

A Midsummer Night’s Gift Card Giving

Well, strictly speaking, the “Midsummer Night” of Shakespearean fame comes just after the summer solstice in June.  Here in America, summer seems to run from Memorial Day through Labor Day, with July 4th in-between, making July our own “midsummer.”