Discover Wireless Payment Solutions

If you are planning a significant remodeling project for your business, you probably face a common dilemma: Should you close for the duration, or should you attempt…

The Christmas Economy’s Home Stretch — and One More Big Hack

Normally we like the holiday weeks to have more “genteel” posts, with a little holiday history, and some prognostications…

Feds Raise Rates — Will Consumers Move to Debit?

In the world of revolving credit and saying ‘charge it,” the big news this week is that the Federal Reserve has gone ahead and hiked interest rates.

Small Scale Start-Ups Mobile Credit Card Processing

For many people, this time of year brings out that inner-yearning they have for taking their entrepreneurial ideas to the next level. They want to start a business…

Holiday Card Safety While EMV Gets Pushed 3 Xmases Ahead

‘This the season when cards are pulled in and out of wallets and purses, used online and off, in a flurry of activity — as anyone who might…

Credit Card Processing Risk Management Solutions

As we head into the throes of the holiday season, you are preparing your business for the current influx of customers. You’re focused on inventory, logistics…