Discover Wireless Payment Solutions

Discover Wireless Payment Solutions

Discover Wireless Payment Solutions

Discover Wireless Payment Solutions

Explore Contactless Payment Solutions. If you are planning a significant remodeling project for your business, you probably face a common dilemma: Should you close for the duration, or should you attempt to remain open during construction? While remaining open is ideal for keeping financial continuity, it also creates its own set of challenges. You need to maintain a safe, functional environment for your customers while also adjusting to an operation that will feel like it’s in constant upheaval.

The good news is that with new technologies like cell phone credit card readers, you have the opportunity to remake your business layout in an instant without disrupting your ability to process payments.

As a leader in secure payment processing solutions, AVPS has seen firsthand how phone credit card readers and tablet-based systems can transform business operations. As you progress through your remodeling project, you can shift inventory around as needed and eliminate the restrictions that your traditional payment terminals cause. When you reduce your checkout area to a near-zero footprint, you have more room to coordinate your remodel in stages that allow for optimum functionality. In fact, many businesses have even set up parking lot payment clerks during popular sales or busy seasons.  With their incredible mobility, these credit card readers help make times of transition easier, more manageable, and while they cannot completely combat the stress of your project, they can help maintain more continuity in your operation.

Remodeling Challenges and Solutions

As you plan your remodeling project, let the AVPS team help with mobile processing solutions. Our knowledgeable team strives to remain on the frontline of innovation so that our clients have the utilities they need for operational efficiency and security. To learn more about mobile processing, contact us today!