How Fraud Affects Your Customers and Why You Need EMV Processing

Chip cards, as consumers typically refer to them, are now the standard for secure payments. They help reduce fraud, and give your customers an added layer of protection.

Payment Cards Set to Surpass Cash For First Time Ever

“Is this the beginning of the end for cash?,” a recent article in Marketwatch asks. No, we’re not talking about governments yanking currency and forcing everyone into an electronic payment system.

Small Businesses And Holiday Logistics Planning

With fall’s arrival, now is the perfect time to look ahead toward the upcoming holiday season and plan your sales strategies.

Two Things Growing: Smart Card Use, and Retailer Resistance

Fall is usually viewed as harvest season, where the crops grown over summer are brought in and stored for winter.

Pushmi-pullyu: Payments on the Coming “Internet of Things”

The “Pushmi-pullyu” is, of course, a llama-like character from the Dr. Doolittle books and films — one with heads on either end…

How AVPS Can Help You Take Your Business Concept To Success

Many entrepreneurs are thinking outside of the proverbial box when it comes to launching new businesses. They see just how the cards are stacked…

Why Your Business Needs Online Shopping

We all want to support local businesses, but we also have become attached to the convenience of online shopping. This utility goes far beyond cost savings…

Study: Fraud Up Over 100% Since Last Labor Day

According to the latest AAA survey, “cheap gas prices are expected to boost Labor Day weekend travel as revelers pursue a last blast of summer fun before autumn…

Affordable Card Processing Solutions

Is your small business struggling under the weight of operating costs? Even those owners with a history of business experience and acumen can find that the tools…