
Our Blogs

Ransomware protection strategies
Last week, we mentioned the new “Drown” security leak, a flaw in grandfathered internet protocols that is leaving, according to
Setting Up a Merchant Account? A Quick Fix May End Up Hurting Your Business
As you set up a new business, we know that you have a many options when selecting your merchant bank
Unfortunately, the news of breaches, security breaks, and data leakages is reaching critical mass again, and it’s time for another
Do You Use Mobile Phone Credit Card Processing? What You Need to Know Now
In fact, even pop-up roadside stands now have the ability to accept payments. As the world moves away from cash-based
Report from Barcelona: Cars, Clothes, and “Cards” Everywhere
We report fairly regularly on the changing nature of payments — when we’re not talking up security and data breaches,
Avoiding the EMV Chip Processor Upgrade? Why You’re Gambling With Your Business’s Future
With the movement toward secure payment processing via EMV chip cards, many small businesses are still resisting the required…
Invisible Hands and Lax Security: The Ongoing Push for EMV Adoption
“‘My dry cleaner isn’t worried about someone using counterfeit cards at his cash register,’ he said, noting that many businesses
Falling Gas Prices
With gas prices at their lowest in a decade, many consumers are finding themselves with a much-appreciated boost in expendable
Taking Your Fledgling Business to the Next Level Starts with Your Very Own Website
Your handcrafted business is gaining traction, and you’re wondering whether it’s time to create your own website and sell your