
Our Blogs

Post-holiday sales opportunities with Effective Marketing Strategies
With the rush of the holiday season behind us, many business owners settle into the New Year with expectations of
Of EMVs and Jackpots: Your Powerball Ticket Doesn’t Need a Chip — but Your Card Does
According to Forbes, “the hype around the Powerball far exceeds any market news this week,” and who are we to
Post-Holiday Slow Downs Give Your Business Time for Strategic 2016 Growth Planning
Now that the holiday rush has passed, your business needs to focus on how to approach the New Year with
A New Year Resolution for More Payment Security?
We’ve been watching the MarketWatch website since the new year kicked off, mostly to track the rather breathtaking gyrations of
New Year, New Goals? What’s Next for Your Business?
When the holiday rush has passed, and a new year approaches, now is the time to reflect on your business’s
New Year's Business
And so we come to our last post (and newsletter !) of 2015, with 2016 just a couple of days
Are Your Customers About to Get Scrooged? Without the Most Secure Payment Processing, They May Be
Is your business feeling the holiday pressure yet? As much as we all look forward to this joyful time of
Christmas traditions in the U.S
As with sports and hip-hop rivalries, we enter the holiday week with a good-natured “throwdown” on which coast, and its
Holiday Snapshot: Shopping Goes Cyber, EMVs Go Slower, Customers Keep Going
As we hit the midpoint between the Black-and-Cyber shopping weekend, and the big event of Christmas itself, with Hanukkah now