
Our Blogs

Your business plan is complete, your product ready to ship and your website ready to go live.  Your marketing is
As the news keeps making clear, changes are coming to what exactly it means when a customer says “charge it!”
We were struck by a long and thoughtful article recently posted on AOL Business, with the headline “Can You Afford
july-2nd-american Independence
As we head toward our big midsummer celebration, remember that if John Adams had been right, you’d be celebrating two
Small Business Mobile Optimization
In the same week where the smallness and flexibility of small businesses is being touted in an article explaining how
Here at AVPS solutions, we salute all our customers celebrating National Small Business Week! Started in 1963 by President Kennedy,
We wanted to take a minute to share just a few of the wonderful reviews we’ve received from customers recently:
EMV Travel Credit Cards
As noted in this space before, new EMV (Europay/MasterCard/Visa) security standards are slowly coming to credit cards in America. Basically,
Contactless Payment Concerns
This is a follow up on a couple of recent items we’ve had here lately, about security not only in