
Our Blogs

Credit Card Customer
Customers Satisfied with Credit Cards – Are They Satisfied With You? In a somewhat surprise finding, J.D. Power and Associates
Credit Card Payment Solutions
Does your current form of payment acceptance make it difficult for you to accept credit card payments?  Perhaps your merchant
Credit Card Processing Solutions
Credit Cards in Use This Holiday Season A new study by credit rating bureau TransUnion shows a steady rise in
P2PE Encryption
Are You Encrypted? The Growing Threat to Convenience Stores and Small Businesses A recent article aimed at convenience store owners
Online Payment Services
Did you know that a vast majority of today’s consumers make frequent online purchases?  Did you know that most consumers
Merchant Account Benefits
Do you have a business that is based in the online world?  Whether you provide online services or simply use
Global Web Presence
Take Your Business Worldwide by Establishing a Web Presence Expanding Your Market Reach Online Are you looking to increase the
EMV Technology
According to the Nilson Report,  one of the payment industry’s leading newsletters, the United States generated about 27 percent of
Virtual Merchandizing
Virtual Merchandizing: The 21st Century’s Great Equalizer The Shift to Online: A Necessity for Businesses In today’s Internet oriented world,