Starting a Business – Capital and Expertise are Key Ingredients

The secret of surviving the first three years is to know what you don’t know and to find services that can provide skilled, informed expertise.

Accepting Online Payments for New or High Risk Businesses

So you’ve started a new business either online or in the real world. You have a great product or a fantastic service to offer. Your pricing is competitive and there is a high demand for what you’re selling.

Choose Your Credit Card Processing Company With Great Care

Choosing a solid credit card processing company is one of the most important challenges in setting up a business. As you evaluate companies…

6 Ways to Reduce Chargebacks

With your merchant account in place, the online payments flow in and business booms, but with this new way of collecting money comes a new problem: chargebacks.

How to Choose a High Risk Provider

It is all but impossible in today’s economy to operate a business without accepting payments other than cash.

How to Price Your Product: The Most Common Strategies

If you’re a business owner and you ask yourself this question, we may have bad and good news. The bad news is that there is no magic formula to price a product.

Finding the Right Clover POS System for Your Business

Many small business owners are adopting POS systems to provide a seamless purchasing process for potential customers. With 44% and 33% of…

What is POS Marketing?

Although it’s the last part of the customer experience and usually given the least amount of thought, the time waiting in line to pay is one of the best sales opportunities for a business.

Four Tips for Safe Online Banking

While nearly 17 million people were victims of identity theft in 2017, online banking can be perfectly safe if the right precautions are taken.