Make the Most of your Sales with a Website Merchant Account


Make the Most of your Sales with a Website Merchant Account

The Rise of Online Transactions and the Need for Merchant Providers

For parts of the last two decades, hundreds of millions of dollars have been transacted through the Internet Plytix’s ‘The Evolution of Ecommerce’ article and millions of people have gotten wealthy by positioning themselves in a relatively new way of doing business. The trend continues today and there has never been more need for a business merchant provider to help your business with online payment services and overall guidance in transacting business electronically.

Promoting Your Business with E-Commerce Merchant Accounts

Promoting your business effectively involves accessing resource tools for payment via an E-commerce merchant account. In this regard, AVP Solutions, with its 25 years of industry leadership, excels in equipping both small and large businesses with payment facilitation programs. These programs not only boost sales but also enhance bottom-line profits.

Essential Elements of a Website Merchant Account

To streamline your customers’ payment process with options like credit cards, e-checks, debit cards, and online payments, you need a website merchant account. By offering these varied payment methods, you not only provide convenience to your customers but also simplify their purchasing experience on your site.

AVP Solutions: Enhancing Your Website’s Purchase Power

A wide range of services are available from AVP Solutions to enhance the purchase power of your website product or service including:

  1. E-commerce merchant account
  2. Online check processing
  3. Telephone or Mail order merchant account
  4. Mobile  Processing merchant account

Secure and Efficient Payment Processing

AVP Solutions, equipped with state-of-the-art encryption coding, ensures a secure environment for transactions. This not only allows you to offer your customers convenient payment options but also facilitates quick payment processing on your end. Moreover, AVP stands out with some of the most competitive processing fees in the industry.

Real-Time Credit Card Processing and Fraud Protection

By utilizing your e-commerce merchant account, you can process credit card transactions in real time. Additionally, numerous fraud protection options are at your disposal, and our 128-bit SSL encryption ensures the security of your transaction information, giving you peace of mind.

Trust AVP Solutions for Your Online Payment Services

Trust your merchant account to AVP Solutions, a proven provider in online payment services and rest easy.  Earn your money and watch your bottom line grow.