How To Prevent Financial Risks When Traveling Or Shopping

We are deep in the heart of the summer travel and shopping seasons, which means more of us are getting out, getting on the road, and exploring new places.

Fraud Prevention. Why This Issue Affects All of Us

The issue of secure payment processing is obviously a longstanding battle between banking institutions and thieves, but this…

Credit Card Processing Risk Management Solutions

As we head into the throes of the holiday season, you are preparing your business for the current influx of customers. You’re focused on inventory, logistics…

Protect Your Customers During the Busy Season By Focusing on Secure Transactions

During this high-traffic season, businesses across the country will be more vulnerable than ever to hackers seeking to steal their customers’ financial information.

A Snapshot of EMV Compliance in Action—Cautionary Tales of Disparity and Misinformation

We all know that EMV chip cards are now the gold standard for secure payment processing, and Advanced Payment Solutions has long been educating…

The Security vs. Freedom Debate: Payment Card Style!

“Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither,” Ben Franklin once famously remarked. The question is whether the famously frugal Mr. Franklin would be happy knowing that most customers today…

Shocker: Nearly 80% of Businesses Fail Interim PCI Compliance

Recently, Verizon issued a report on Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards — PCI DSS for short. The results were pretty bracing. As Computer Weekly summarizes “nearly 80% of businesses fail their interim PCI compliance assessment, leaving them vulnerable to cyber attacks, according to Verizon’s 2015 PCI Compliance Report “

Why Secure Payment Processing is Important for Your Small Business

As a small business owner, you are likely looking for ways to save money in any area that you can identify. Sometimes business owners make the mistake of saving money by not using payment processing for their customers, which could result in bigger problems later on. If you want to protect your business and your customers at the same time, then secure payment processing should be implemented as soon as possible.