The Equifax Breach and Your Business

As one of the three major credit monitoring and reporting entities, this organization is tasked with tracking and rating the financial history of consumers.

Now That Future’s Passed: A Look Back at 2017 (updated)

“It’s going to get worse before it gets better,” we wrote as 2016 became 2017, citing a Guardian article that had proclaimed our previous year…

Breach Days: Equifax and Beyond (updated)

When this post first appeared last summer, we called it “The Breach Days of August,” sounding various alarums from what had…

Data Breaches Hit “All Time High” — Can We Keep Them From Getting Worse? (Updated)

All Time High was a good name for a James Bond film theme. But it’s an unwelcome descriptor for a trend in data breaches…

Travel Tips & Tricks for Summer Card Carriers

Summer travel always brings with it a shifting list of do’s and don’ts, in terms of what to pack, where to go, what to expect if you’re queueing up for a TSA line, etc. It’s also been a good way to mark how people are feeling…

If It’s Wednesday, It Must Be SID4B Training Day! (WebEX Link Inside!)

We’re excited here at AVP Solutions, as Wednesday, April 19th rolls around!
Not because it’s the day after Tax Day…

May the Force Not Be With You: Guard Against Fraudulent Force-Posted Transactions (Pt. 1)

Among the many types of hacks and frauds we warn about, or sadly have to post about (a report discussed by Reuters this week…

AVP Solutions Launches “SID” (SmartIDentity for Business) Training; Join us on April 19th

Our mission at AVP Solutions is to equip our merchants with the most comprehensive services and the highest level of customer service available. 

Beyond the Antivirus Software, Pt. II

As we write this morning, the internet is recovering from a partial loss of “the cloud” as Amazon’s S3 server had gone out, resulting in the shuttering of numerous websites and services.