Holiday Cash For Your Business, With a Merchant Cash Advance

Being the faithful AVPS Blog reader that you are, you’ve seen where there will be a large surge of holiday shoppers online; you know that your customers will be “showrooming” with their mobile devices; you want to advertise more as the economy slowly regains ground; you need to order more merchandise for the upcoming spike in sales.

After the Shutdown: Holiday Budgets Trimmed, Consumers Still Willing to Shop

Like the Boy  Scouts, we believe in being prepared. Especially now that the U.S. is once again funding its government and paying its debts, and people are free, relatively, to go about their business.  Part of that preparation may include anticipating how much business you can now expect from customers this holiday season.

“Mobile” Ambivalence: Consumers Want Ease of Use, Payment Options

Some interesting stats and trend-lines are emerging from a recently discussed Forrester Research study on  Smartphone-based sales in the coming years. The data notes that Smartphone-based retail numbers will hit $12 billion in 2013, all the way up to $31 billion in 2017. Those are exciting numbers, but it’s worth noting that the 2013 figure actually represents just 5% of current e-commerce sales, and the 2017 number clocks in at 9%.

“The Other Big Trend I’d Really Highlight Is The Move From Cash to Debit”

That may be the most germane quote — the “takeaway” if you will — from an interview that  Nitin Sumangali did regarding MasterCard Global Insights’ recent white paper on consumer spending habits and whether they’re still in a “recession mindset.”

Accepting Online Payments Has Never Been Easier

It is no secret that the millions of people that have taken advantage of doing business on the internet over the past 10 years have done a good job at making money. Internet business is growing more and more every day with no sign of slowing down any time soon.

The Fed Wants You to Help Make Payments Better

The Fed — that quasi-accountable Federal banking system that sets our interest rates, and determines how much cash liquidity we should all be awash in — now wants your help. Or at least,  they want your comments.

Make Your Business Stronger Than Ever with AVP Solutions

In order to keep your business growing, you need business merchant services that provide easy solutions to all of your e-commerce needs.  It is a fact that most people carry little or no cash because it is more convenient to use credit cards. Another fact is that more and more people are shopping online where cash is really not an option.

May You Live in Pinterest-ing Times: Social media and Holiday Shopping

Yes, we’re barely past Labor Day, and it’s already time to think of your customers’ shopping habits as the holiday season approaches. Indeed, you may have been thinking about such things before the last 4th of July sparkler was lit.

Mobile Credit Card Processing for Business On The Go

A lot of businesses in today’s world are going mobile and getting more and more creative when it comes to gaining customers. Regardless of what your business is, if you are not equipped to handle different forms of payment, you may be missing out.