Turn Credit Card Processing Security into a Customer Confidence Booster

With so many data breaches in recent years, far too many of your customers have either…

Labor Day and Birthdays: Drivers Head Out, Gas Heads Down, and Visa Checkout Serves Cake

Though the thermometer readings around the American West insist otherwise, the end of summer has come with Labor’s Day arrival, and the flipping of the calendar…

Time: “How Your Credit Card is About to Change Forever”

To be sure, it’s a dramatic headline. And it’s on a subject about which you — as a regular AVPS reader — are already well informed: The one-month-away switch over from the “mag stripe” standard for American credit cards to the “chip-and-pin” EMV variety.

Payment Times Keep A-Changin’ – New Technologies, Shifting Consumer Trends

The payments news cycle is once again filled with predictable data breaches (both of the IRS and even less discreet varieties), and we hope being a regular reader of these updates has somewhat indemnified you…

Looking Ahead—Brush Up Now to Help Your Business Finish the Year Strong

Looking Ahead—Brush Up Now to Help Your Business Finish the Year Strong As we keep moving through the seasons, you…

Small Business is Optimistic — But Is It Ready For EMVs?

Shopkeep is a cloud-based technology company  used by more than 18,000 different small businesses, to keep track of things like payroll, inventory, etc. They are also prone to surveying their customers and compiling the info in what they called their “ShopKeep Small Business Index,” or SSBI They just announced the release for their survey for the second quarter of 2015, and the good news is that “survey respondents reported their highest revenue and optimism to date.”

Away From The Brick and Mortar—Innovative Business Models Need Innovative Payment Solutions

Away From The Brick and Mortar—Innovative Business Models Need Innovative Payment Solutions If there is one business trend that’s on…

Could The Way You Handle Credit Card Processing Cost You Customers?

At AVPS, we know that our clients have to incorporate the costs and fees associated with credit/debit card processing into their overall bottom lines. This means that, if they accept credit cards, they must include this as part of how they price their goods and services. While this has long been the norm, the rise of mobile credit card processing is creating some sticky customer service issues that we want to help our partners avoid. To demonstrate what we mean, here’s a story of a service provider, a customer, and the moment it all went wrong:

New Employee Training—Why You May Be Missing Something in Your Training Program

Here’s a question for our retail clients: When you train a new employee, what do you think are the most important things they need to know? Chances are that you first focus on conduct, company culture, and an overview of your policies and procedures. You walk them through their duties and maybe even have them shadow other employees for a while. When it comes to payment processing, however, are you giving them the right training and enough of it? If not, you could be setting your business up for long-term security issues.