Small World, After All: The Effects of Card Use on Global Economies

“Greater worldwide card use raises a number of questions.” We would concur, and in fact say that wanting to answer those questions for you, and your business…

Is Your Business’s Online Presence Lackluster? Why You Need to Rethink Your Online Activity

Whether your business is ready to build a new website or you need to overhaul your existing one , this time…

“Fintech” and Futures

Last week, we touched on a word that any reader of this blog should probably add to her vocabulary at this point: “Fintech.” As we noted, it’s a contraction of “Financial Technology,” and it’s popping up everywhere — particularly in studies of how fast…

Spring Brings New Marketing Opportunities—Get Out in Your Community with Mobile Processing Solutions

With spring just around the corner, now is the time to think about all those inventive ways to take your business to the next level. The arrival of warmer weather also ushers…

Ides of March: Ransomware Updates, and Welcome to “Fintech”

There’s no question we live in a time of constant change: rising seas, fraying politics, wired-up networks changing economies and business models almost as fast as they can be reported on.

Still Behind the Curve on EMV Chip Processing? Why Your Business Can’t Afford to Procrastinate

Though gas stations received an extension for the EMV liability shift, AVP Solutions is still seeing far too many businesses dragging their feet on upgrading their equipment…

Drowning, Ransoming — and Staying Safe (Pt. II)

Last week, we mentioned the new “Drown” security leak, a flaw in grandfathered internet protocols that is leaving, according to SC Magazine, over 600 frequently…

Setting Up a Merchant Account? A Quick Fix May End Up Hurting Your Business

As you set up a new business, we know that you have a many options when selecting your merchant bank account provider.

Don’t Get “Drown”ed — Or Ransomed! (Pt. I)

Unfortunately, the news of breaches, security breaks, and data leakages is reaching critical mass again, and it’s time for another quick roundup.