Importance Of Mobile Credit Card Processing

In the past few years, mobile processing has revolutionized the way in which many business models operate, as well as create an avenue for start-ups to get their proverbial feet wet. For example, we all know that most new businesses fail within the first two years.

NerdWallet and NASDAQ on the Wise Use of Credit Cards

We often hear that too much use of credit cards — as opposed to debit card use — is a sign of household budgetary woes, and eventual drowning under unmanageable interest.

Pop-Up Businesses—A Unique Concept That Helps Both Entrepreneurs and Their Communities

In our post-recession economy, the pop-up business model is taking millennials by storm.

Is Your Business Ready for a Busy Holiday Season?—Why Mobile Processing Can Help You Serve Customers

The holiday shopping season is officially in full swing. Early bird shoppers have clamored to check gifts off their lists while others still bide their time…

Think Beyond the Storefront—How Mobile Processing Can Expand Your Customer Base

While your brick-and-mortar business has been moderately successful, you may need to re-think how you approach expanding your customer base.

New Employee Training—Why You May Be Missing Something in Your Training Program

Here’s a question for our retail clients: When you train a new employee, what do you think are the most important things they need to know? Chances are that you first focus on conduct, company culture, and an overview of your policies and procedures. You walk them through their duties and maybe even have them shadow other employees for a while. When it comes to payment processing, however, are you giving them the right training and enough of it? If not, you could be setting your business up for long-term security issues.

Simplify and Secure Your Payments With (Free!) Visa Checkout!

Visa has rolled out its free “Checkout” service for customers and merchants, to help make the act of paying even easier, and more secure. Essentially,  Visa Checkout is a digital payment service that lets customers use a single, secure sign-on across channels and devices using a their preferred payment method.

The Back to School Rush—Are Your Payment Processes Ready For the Challenge?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Well, for parents it is. While kids are bemoaning the inevitable return to homework and early bedtimes, parents are remembering what it’s like to not be 24/7 entertainment directors. For retailers, this period is also a huge sales boost across most industries. While school supplies, electronics, sports gear, and apparel top most school sales, we also have plenty of college-bound students who need household wares, cars, and gift cards.

Should Your Business Use Mobile Credit Card Processing?

If you own a business and you are constantly on the move for business appointments and meetings, then you should consider the ways you can improve payment systems by using mobile processing. There are several ways that you can easily integrate credit card processing on the go, and these systems make it easy for you to accept payments from any location.