Get the Best Merchant Services with AVP Solutions


Get the Best Merchant Services with AVP Solutions

The Importance of Versatile Payment Options

Currently, customers use various payment methods, and failing to accommodate a customer’s preferred method results in lost revenue. Therefore, as a merchant, you must offer a wide range of payment services to ensure no sales opportunities are missed.

AVP Solutions: Your Partner in Increasing Sales

AVP Solutions brings extensive experience in establishing card processing solutions that boost your sales at a minimal cost. We ensure you can accept credit cards anywhere and anytime, be it at your storefront or through mobile. Our services cover all major payment forms at highly competitive rates, so you never miss a sale again!

Decades of Experience and Trust

Armed with over 25 years experience in the merchant account business, we can have you equipped to accept credit card payments within 24 hours. The cornerstone of our business is customer service and since 2006 we have maintained an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.

Versatile Solutions for On-the-Go Payments

But our merchant accounts are very versatile and we recognize the need for some of our ‘on the road’ clients to have access to a mobile phone credit card reader. Simply download the application on your smart phone and you are ready to accept payment.

Ready for Every Transaction

We will equip you with a credit card swiper that reads the card instantly. All you need to do is enter the transaction amount and receive approval through the Automated Clearing House (ACH). Whether you are a contractor, plumber, electrician, or door-to-door representative, you’ll be ready to accept payments on the spot. As technology evolves, so do we so that you can too!

Contact Us Today!

Contact us at 1-800-719-9198 for all of your payment needs. Our customer service representatives are waiting to help you! If you’re not sure exactly what you need, that’s okay, let us know about your business and we’ll inform you of your options and help you decide on what’s best for your bottom line.