The Equifax Breach and Your Business

As one of the three major credit monitoring and reporting entities, this organization is tasked with tracking and rating the financial history of consumers.

Credit Card Processing Risk Management Solutions

With summer only a couple of months away, now is a good time for seasonal or tourism-oriented businesses to give additional thought to secure payment processing.

Fraud Prevention. Why This Issue Affects All of Us

The issue of secure payment processing is obviously a longstanding battle between banking institutions and thieves, but this…

Credit Card Processing Risk Management Solutions

As we head into the throes of the holiday season, you are preparing your business for the current influx of customers. You’re focused on inventory, logistics…

Protect Your Customers During the Busy Season By Focusing on Secure Transactions

During this high-traffic season, businesses across the country will be more vulnerable than ever to hackers seeking to steal their customers’ financial information.

Credit Card Security and Your Vacation

Summer is the busiest travel season, but it’s also a time when credit card transaction security risk is on the rise. If you’re planning your seasonal vacation, you need to take some basic precautions…

A Snapshot of EMV Compliance in Action—Cautionary Tales of Disparity and Misinformation

We all know that EMV chip cards are now the gold standard for secure payment processing, and Advanced Payment Solutions has long been educating…

Food for Thought—Common sense Tips For Those Dreaming of Starting a Business

We’ve all heard the statistics—most business start-ups will fail within the first year. Even the best ideas or products can fall flat with a poorly executed launch.

Spring Brings New Marketing Opportunities—Get Out in Your Community with Mobile Processing Solutions

With spring just around the corner, now is the time to think about all those inventive ways to take your business to the next level. The arrival of warmer weather also ushers…