Updates: California Senate Lets EMV Law Lapse; The State of Security

We wanted to update you on an item we ran last week, wherein California’s State Senate was on the verge of issuing its own mandates for a switch over to EMV standards in card transactions, setting April 1, 2016 as the date.

However, according to a report in Computerworld, “the full Senate missed the voting deadline of May 30, ending its chances of passage until a new legislative session begins.”

How to Secure a Merchant Account for New Business

Securing a merchant account for a new business can be tedious, frustrating, and sometimes fruitless. Many financial institutions simply don’t want the risk. And they have tens of thousands of customers so they feel they can pick and choose who they would like to do business with and that means they may choose ‘not’ to do business with you. They may feel you are too high of a risk or they may feel that your business won’t be profitable enough to make many sales, making it unworthy of their time or resources. Yes, that’s the hard truth.

What Is a Website Merchant Account?

A website merchant account allows you to accept payments online. Just like in a store, people need to be able to pay for your products or services and instead of swiping their credit card or handing you a check; they can simply enter their information on your website and make payment that way. You need a merchant account for your website whether you sell products or services partially online or wholly online so that you can make hassle-free sales.

EMV Vote In California While MasterCard Announces “Zero Liability” for PINs

The push for those chip-carrying EMV cards, which would make it more difficult for fraudulent transactions to occur, continues apace. In California, the State Senate is advancing a bill that would make April 1, 2016 — no fooling! — the date by which both retailers and card issuers would need to support the chip-and-PIN standard.

Mobile Phone Credit Card Processing: The Wave Of The Future

Mobile phone credit card processing has been growing leaps and bounds over the last year or two. Brick and mortar stores, mobile stations like kiosks and outside stands, freelancers, and contractors have all been going mobile when it comes to accepting credit cards.

Is There a Way Accept Checks Online?

Every business needs to be able to accept checks as a form of payment, even if the business sells products or services partially or wholly online. This is still a very popular payment method and you do not want to lose sales because you can’t accept your customer’s preferred method of payment.

Memorial Day — and Summer Travel Season — Arrive

With Memorial Day, summer’s first “bookend” arrives, for a season that marks its midpoint with the 4th of July, and wraps up — practically speaking — with Labor Day.

More on Upbeat Consumers (and Banks): Fed Reports Card Use Up for Spring

Last week, we reported on findings that consumer confidence was on the rise, and this week, we have some tangible evidence of how that confidence is manifesting.  After a winter slowdown, in part caused by the harsh weather, consumers started to say “charge it!” more often in March.

How to Choose a Merchant Account Company

To process and manage your business transactions, you need to secure business merchant services from a reputable merchant account company. But with all of the merchant account companies out there, how do you choose? Here are a few tips for selecting your provider.