As a business owner, you know that your merchant bank account is crucial for your payment processing and financial solvency.
Tag: Merchant service provider
If It’s Wednesday, It Must Be SID4B Training Day! (WebEX Link Inside!)
We’re excited here at AVP Solutions, as Wednesday, April 19th rolls around!
Not because it’s the day after Tax Day…
Setting Up a Merchant Account? A Quick Fix May End Up Hurting Your Business
As you set up a new business, we know that you have a many options when selecting your merchant bank account provider.
AVPS Offers Smart Merchant Account Solutions to Help E-Commerce Businesses
With the internet flooded with e-commerce businesses, you need to focus on marketing and growing your brand in order to stand out. But are you still stuck with those necessary…
Consumers Using Credit More — But Don’t Have EMV Cards Yet
Some interesting studies and surveys have popped up in the “payments press” over the last week or so, highlighting the ongoing….
Could The Way You Handle Credit Card Processing Cost You Customers?
At AVPS, we know that our clients have to incorporate the costs and fees associated with credit/debit card processing into their overall bottom lines. This means that, if they accept credit cards, they must include this as part of how they price their goods and services. While this has long been the norm, the rise of mobile credit card processing is creating some sticky customer service issues that we want to help our partners avoid. To demonstrate what we mean, here’s a story of a service provider, a customer, and the moment it all went wrong:
The Back to School Rush—Are Your Payment Processes Ready For the Challenge?
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Well, for parents it is. While kids are bemoaning the inevitable return to homework and early bedtimes, parents are remembering what it’s like to not be 24/7 entertainment directors. For retailers, this period is also a huge sales boost across most industries. While school supplies, electronics, sports gear, and apparel top most school sales, we also have plenty of college-bound students who need household wares, cars, and gift cards.
Are Cards More Cost Effective For Merchants Than Cash?
A new study from financial analysts at the Aite Group says that handling both Debit and Credit cards is more cost effective for merchants and retailers than handling cash.
According to details in the Credit Union Times, the report, “Tender Truths: The Real Cost of POS Transactions in the U.S., found debit cards the least expensive method of payment for merchants, costing significantly less per transaction than cash or cards.It broke down the costs of different payment types across three broad retail sectors: specialty retailers, quick service restaurants and convenience stores.”
One Solution for All of Your Business Merchant Service Needs
As a business, you need to be able to do a number of things when it comes to financial transactions. From accepting credit card payments to accepting and depositing checks, being able to accept payments on your website or by phone, and even being able to now accept credit cards using a mobile phone, you need every angle covered to ensure you don’t miss a beat, or a sale.